Cheat Death

Aspect: Earth
Base Difficulty: 10
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: true
Base Duration: 5 Days
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Spirit
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Cheat Death Ritual may Target up to 6 Spirits within the Circle of Power, allowing them to automatically succeed on the next draw they make from the Bag of Chance. This Ritual Effect expires for each individual Target Spirit after 5 days or their next draw from the Bag of Chance, whichever occurs first. If a Target does not have at least a single white bead in the Bag of Chance, this Ritual is expended with No Effect for that specific Spirit. Deaths avoided under this Ritual Effect may not be bought back.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO Ritual or effect.

This Ritual requires 6 Reagents as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.