Resist Destroy Magic

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 10
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: false
Base Duration: Times Ever
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Item [Any], Spirit, Body, Location
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Resist Destroy Magic Ritual allows the bearer of the Ritual Target to expend this Ritual Effect to defend against the effects of a Destroy Magic Ritual by calling "Resist."

The wielder must make the choice immediately as to whether to expend the Resist Destroy Effect or not when the item is struck by a Destroy Magic. After expending the Ritual Effect, the tag with the Ritual Effect should be updated as soon as possible to reflect the fact that the Resist Effect has been expended.

This Ritual requires 6 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual can not be spellcrafted.